wait, what?
This sounds like a song my jazz band at my school played last year.... whats up with that?
(PS: yes i did give it a 4, i dont like the jazz stuff :) )
wait, what?
This sounds like a song my jazz band at my school played last year.... whats up with that?
(PS: yes i did give it a 4, i dont like the jazz stuff :) )
no problem neither do i :L i was just messing around :L
If you would so kindly...
This has alot of fixing up to do that i reeeeallly wana do so next time ur on msn send me it.
good so far
ur never on msn :P
but like i said above, it was just to focus on making leads, i actually have a better mastered version, but its not uploaded
Good good but...
Well i'll give you the good news first. The first intro melody was priceless, it was purely amazing. The beats seam a bit week however with a bit of mastering that can be fixed. Around 1:25 I like that pluck melody with the bass, sounds good.
Now what needs to be fixed.
Yes the bass sounded good but it sounded very.... 80s.
The intro pattern was... slightly bad, wasnt a big fan of whatever effect thing you constantly used. The beat after that wasnt very good either.
Mastering needs serious improvement.
That snare lead up should go from quiet to loud. In FL9 thats called an automation but i dont know what you used.
Soooo besides the mastering its good but, this is ambient, not trance.
I'm really liking the melodies, those are good. Sidechain sounds... weak however the melodies make up for most of it. The melody that comes in around 1:20 I really like just cause I'm a big fan of square synths. The beats take it down a whole lot. They have a pattern which is good but at about 10 seconds you have too many umm... I can't tell if they are buzz effects or snares really fast either way they ruin the beats. This should also be placed under ambient, not trance.
Dispite how negative that review sounded, I like it.
Glad you liked it :]
The "snares" you talked about are just the beginning of the kick sound being played rapidly and in succession, for a kind of glitch effect. I like them very much, so I won't be getting rid of them. As for the sidechain, yeah, I just threw that together in five seconds. It was more to keep a balance in the volume levels of the song than to actually add a sidechain effect; it really sounds a lot worse without it.
Thanks for reviewing :D
Not bad
i like it, is this origonal or a remix of somthing? dance nation did this too...
and yes i do eat the red ones last!
Not different enough
You baically changed some synths, added a pattern, and changed around the kicks and whatnot. needs ALOT changed. one big problem... its in exact order as the same song, dont do that unless the song acually has lyrics but even THEN dont make it 100% IN ORDER.
"Bear in mind also I am trying to recreate what Basshunter has, please remember that"
Suprisingly good if it were...
Genred under trance! Amazing trance song and especially good for a first song. You should move this to trance before it gets too many listens under dance.
Hmmmmmmm.... hmmm hmmm hmmmm
Yes yes its good. I like the reverb and delay on what sounds to be... sandstorm? Anyway, its mastered ALMOST perfectly around the beginning and 3:50 im not a big fan of the philtered crashes. Bass needs a bit more "kick" too, couldnt really hear it without a big sub woofer. Anyway, good, Favorited, 5, downloaded, blah blah blah.
haha well thanks :P And actually Its the first time ive filtered a crash for effect :L
normally i dont do it :L Well I wont do it agen :P And admittedly the bass is a bit weak hitting but thanks for the review :)
Needs serious improvement
Good remix but needs different synths and kicks and such. The whole song sounds like an intro that could be somthing good but it goes from intro back to song back to intro so i really could tell when the song started. The ending is also somthing like a very bad cliffhanger. The song just ends, just there, like that.
I assume you used FL to make this, if you want to retry this somtime hit me up at NG.Etox@live.com and ill help you out.
Yes, the ending is bad.
If I want help with mastering, I'll use google.
If I want help with the actual song, I'll ask Envy.
Please don't ask me to 5 songs i will vote what i think its worth, if you ask me to 5 a song i might just 0 it out of spite. Contact me at: NG.Etox@live.
Producer, Artist
Joined on 11/21/09